• Starting,  Writing

    Happy Friday!

    It’s Friday!  It’s also the boy child’s birthday and party this weekend so the next couple of days are packed for me.  I have relatives that will be pulling into the driveway any minute now so this is probably going to be a very quick update/accountability post.

  • Writing

    Illness and Seminar

    Oh buddy!  I missed last week’s accountability post and for that I’m sorry.  I’ve been ill and the medications I’ve been trying are taking their toll.  It’s hard to write when it’s a monumental effort to get out of bed without the room swaying.  I’m finally back to functioning status which means back to work.  Woo! To kick off my recovery, yesterday I attended an online seminar about writing short fiction hosted by the wonderful Mary Robinette Kowal.  It was fantastic and if you get a chance to take the seminar: Do it!  A thousand times: Do it!  Throw your money at this lady because I came away with some…

  • Editing,  Rewrite,  Writing


    Accountability Friday but on a Saturday!  Sorry about that.  Friday was a hectic day that ended with me playing nursemaid and being generally exhausted.  A good chunk of the evening was spent watching episode of the Office before I even got to work on my book.

  • Writing

    Everyday Accountability

    It’s the second full week of school for my Kiddos so it’s also the second full week of being able to say that I’m a full time writer.  But oh boy!  Look at all of those excuses to procrastinate! And that has been the struggle the last week and a half. While in my mind’s eye I envisioned myself sitting down to work on editing my rough draft as soon as the kid’s were off to school that first day – the reality was ugly.  I panicked with so much free time and ended up not being very productive when it came to writing.  But, and there’s always a but,…

  • Starting,  Writing

    What do you do?

    So I decided that I would start up a blog chronicling my writing and my attempts at publishing said writing. I also realized pretty early on in the planning stages that the website was also my attempt to justify being able to call myself a writer.  That’s an idea I’ve been rolling over and over in my thoughts since it reared its ugly doubt-provoking head: Do I have to justify that title to myself or anyone else?  I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember, mostly using it for pure fun and enjoyment but other times using it as a way to escape the more difficult times in life.…