Back To Work
It’s snowy and cold here. It’s also the first day back to school after winter break for the kids and my first full day back to work since the 23rd of December!! *deep breath* I had hoped I would be a workhorse over the break but little did I remember how chaotic winter break can be. I managed at whopping 3079 words from 12/23 – 1/4. *takes another deep breath to calm the growing anxiety about going so long without working*
The anxiety is kicking in now that I can look back and see how little I actually did on my current WIP but I have to remind myself that I spent that time with my children and the Engineer as well as with other family members we only get to see once or twice a year. Sacrificing a couple of weeks of work to recharge and be with loved ones is worth it, I think.
As motivation to get back in my writing stride, I printed off the rough draft I finished at the end of November. Now it gets to sit and taunt me until I finish the rough draft of my current WIP, which is the sequel to it. If I can churn out the words as quickly as usual, I think I can finish the rough draft of the WIP in about two weeks, less if I really buckle down and just let crappy words flow onto the page just to get it down and done. Remember: It’s a rough draft. It can be crappy. No one is going to read it except for you and it’s most important to get the gist of the story out rather than trying to make it perfect as you go. Unless of course that’s how you work – In that case, more power to you my friend.